$20.00 USD
SKU: FC638

Sweet (and Sour) Adeline by Judy Nishimura, for Low Flute Choir. From the composer: "What could be more appropriate for an ensemble of low flutes than a barbershop quartet? This piece starts out like a normal heartfelt rendition of the barbershop standard, “Sweet Adeline” until an interloper with light brown hair named Jeanie tries to take over. Adeline and Jeanie tussle for dominance, even resulting, briefly, in some pretty crazy dissonance for a few measures. A jolly interlude follows which has Adeline prematurely celebrating her victory. Jeanie still has her say, however, until the very end when someone else decides to intrude."


  • 2 Alto Flutes (divisi)
  • Bass Flute (divisi)
  • Contrabass Flute