Bach (arr. Walker) - Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben for Flute and Piano - FP132 ALRY Publications from $17.00 USD
Tchaikovsky (arr. Mihi Kim) - Lensky's Aria for Flute and Piano -FP133 ALRY Publications from $21.00 USD
Schoenfeld - Achat Sha'alti and Ufaratsta (Flute and Piano) - MIG26 Migdal Publishing from $18.00 USD
Walker - Vocalise: Baroque Arias for Flute, a Guided Collection - FP195 ALRY Publications from $19.00 USD
Buffardin (ed. Brabants) - 3 Sonatas from Op. 1 for Flute and Basso Continuo - FP205 ALRY Publications from $25.00 USD
Bologne - Sonata No. 1 in B-flat Major, Op. 1a for Flute and Piano - FP181 ALRY Publications from $17.00 USD