$31.00 USD

Lodewijk Mortelmans - Miniaturen for Piano - Complete revised edition

The Miniatures are a collection of 31 short piano pieces that Mortelmans composed between 1929 and 1947. Toward the end of his life he had them published in three volumes (II and III dated 1949) by the Antwerp publisher Metropolis (Oud Huis G. Prop). These editions are used as the main source because they probably were verified by Mortelmans himself. It was possible to find out exactly where and when almost all of these pieces were written, thanks to information in these old editions and in still extant autographs.

These autographs also made it possible to correct a number of mistakes in the old editions. In addition, some of them also contain different phrasings, different tempo indications and different titles, which have not been adopted in this reissue. There are also autographs that provide various Miniatures with French language titles, that are identical to those in the old editions and which therefore can be considered authentic. This new edition has completely been re-engraved to modern standards. The edition has been revised by Jozef De Beenhouwer and Christa Steenhuyse-Vandevelde, who are both experts in the repertoire of Lodewijk Mortelmans. 80 pages, including an introduction, source references and comments.

Selections include:

  • Landelijke Dans
  • Moeders Slaapliedeken
  • Lyrisch Ogenblik
  • Vreugde
  • Eenvoud
  • Melodisch Interludium
  • De Liereman
  • Ernstige Overweging
  • Plechtige Stemming
  • Weemoedig Slaapliedeken voor Bobby
  • Nederig Bloempje
  • Fra Angelico’s Dansende Engelen
  • Improvisata
  • Kinderhartje
  • Weemoedig Aandenken
  • Doodsanctje
  • Eenvoudig Liedje
  • Kristintje Danst
  • Adagio Religioso
  • Innerlijk Klokkenspel
  • Nachtmijmering
  • Innerlijke Vreugde
  • Jeugd
  • Weemoed
  • Stemmingsstukje (in a)
  • Stemmingsstukje (in A)
  • Lenteopwelling
  • Herfststemming
  • Door Stille Kloostergangen
  • Wijding
  • Interludium