Selhorst, Alain

I was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1963 and started playing the guitar when I was about 10 years old, after having played the mandolin for a number of years. I still have, as many guitarists do I suppose, my first guitar. I remember practicing a lot, until around the age of 15 the first Personal computers appeared on the market and suddenly my passion for music turned into a passion for IT, so i decided to become an IT engineer. Many years passed, and I only occasionally played the guitar, as I was very busy. Even though the computer industry allowed me to be creative as a developer, it could never compensate for the beauty of music in general, and guitar music in particular. Therefore I decided to quit the IT business and restarted studying the guitar, and so I graduated again after several years of intensive guitar study. I also started composing for our beloved instrument, which resulted in a first CD. Writing programs for computers turned into writing music for the soul, and I often feel that bytes became notes... I have meanwhile published 7 music books, most of them via Metropolis belgium. I sometimes play with other musicians as well (duo, quartet...).
Besides playing the guitar and writing music, I love taking pictures of people, animals and nature. I also like miniature N scaled dioramas. And obviously I love art in all its aspects, whenever it is there to please, to protest, or to reveal the worst and best about society and mankind. Looking for beauty and sharing it with others allows me to balance my life and give some meaning to our short existence. I hope my music can give joy to other players and listeners.