
Composed in 2008, conceived as a collaboration of poetry, music and dance. As a dance piece, it was composed with the idea that there would be no breaks between the individual movements and with the musicians rotating between instruments. The work is most practical using four musicians (tenor, two flutists, and a designated pianist), as is conceived in this edition. The poetry included is as follows:

  • Prelude - instrumental
  • Pausing at the Border (Wang Ch'ang-Ling, d. 756)
  • Regrets (Tu Mu, 803-852)
  • Just Wondering (Meng Hao-Jan, 689-740)
  • Rain (Po Chu-I, 772-846)
  • At Last a Guest (Tu Fu, 712-770)
  • Postlude - instrumental

Excerpts from rehearsal: