Keith, Leanna

Leanna Keith (b. 1992)
Leanna Keith is a freelance flutist and composer. Her passion for new music drives her to perform contemporary works for solo flute, as well as with her flute and guitar duo, the Keith/Larson Duo, with guitarist Zachary Larson. As a composer, for two years in a row, Ms. Keith placed in the Nebraska Vespers Youth Composers competition. Her love of Chinese music and culture brought her to present her research on dizi internationally at the 2013 Canadian Flute Convention in Oakville, Ontario. In addition to her flute performance training at the University of Washington with Donna Shin and at the University of Nebraska at Omaha with Dr. Christine E. Beard, Ms. Keith has studied traditional chinese dizi with Jianxun Xia.
李妍娜.西思,(1992年)出生于美国加州,热衷于现代音乐及作曲,活跃于长笛独奏,协奏,长笛和吉他二重奏的舞台上。师从长笛演奏家华盛顿大学教授沈丹娜,内布拉斯加大学教授柯丽思婷.比尔德博士,接受古典及现代长笛,短笛,中音长笛演奏的指导和深造, 并在2014参加了意大利塔斯科尼塞尔吉奥.帕洛特里城堡长笛大师班。她连续两年获得内布拉斯加晚祷青年作曲比赛第二名,对中国音乐的兴趣促使她跟夏建勋学习竹笛,把中国竹笛音乐融入到西方音乐中去,她还在2013加拿大国际长笛交流会上展示了对竹笛的探讨。