Diago, Eduardo

Eduardo Diago (b. 1959)
A major part of the work of Eduardo Diago has been done for the stage, as shown by the eleven chamber operas that he has written, seven of which have been released: ’Recorregut' (1991, released in Mexico), ’… y un tablero' (1994), ’Casting' (1995), ’Cecilio in memoriam' (1997), ’Omar el impotente' (1998) ’Esquizofrenia' (2000) and ’Buenos días' (2005). These works have been performed in various festivals including, ’Acert' (Portugal), ’Theater Festival of the Americas in Mexico', ‘The Circle of Music from the Twentieth Century', ’Opera Festival of Butxaca' y ’Grec Festival' in Barcelona, ’Opera Festival Peto' (Santiago de Compostela), ’Fira de Tàrrega', etc. Also, works have been performed in many theaters around the country.
His connections with the theatre led him to create the musical theater group, 3-X with Pablo Ley and Merce Saumell, and later the Company of Operations, and the Company of Eduardo Diago. He also put on various miscellaneous theater shows and dances. In the field of scene direction, he directed his operas, as well as those by other composers, for a variety of shows. As music director, he has instructed many chamber groups and the Municipal Band of Barcelona.
His musical portfolio includes stage performances, instrumentals, and works for soloists as well as symphonic groups. Since 2004, he has served as vice president of the Catalan Association of Composers (ACC), and as vice president of the Federation of Associations of Composers Iberian (FAIC) since 2009.