Guzman, Shaun Michael
Shaun Michael Guzman (b. 1985)
As a private clarinet instructor, Shaun Michael Guzman dedicates his time and talents to producing well-prepared and thoughtful musicians. Within his clarinet studio, he has established several clarinet ensembles, which have now been actively performing for the last nine years. Presently, Mr. Guzman has been a D’Addario Reserve Method Clinician for San Antonio and South Texas area. Currently, he is the bass clarinetist of Prickly Pear Clarinet Choir, a local clarinet ensemble that performed in the ClarinetFest 2016 in Lawrence, Kansas. Mr. Guzman served as a multiple woodwinds performer at the Woodlawn Theater in San Antonio. Mr. Guzman attended Texas State University as a clarinetist and bass clarinetist. In addition to maintaining an active studio and regularly performing, Shaun manages a local music store.