SKU: FC487

Lewis A. Kocher composed "Eternal Springs" in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Hot Springs Flute Ensemble and is dedicated to its founder, Dr. Jackie Flowers. With the waters as inspiration for the music, the piece starts out quietly with just a few flutes, then builds in intensity and participation. The trickle grows to a stream, in some parts noisy and exciting, in others vernal and lyrical. The duet of flute and piccolo in the latter section of the piece splashes and plays like a tiny rivulet dancing over pebbles. Lastly and once more following the imagery of a large stream, the ensemble takes a final plunge of excitement before the river settles into its smooth, daily course; the tiny trickle has realized its potential to become a great water of life.


  • 4 C Flutes
  • Alto Flute (or C Flute)
  • Bass Flute