$47.00 CAD
SKU: V3143PM

Micah Hayes - A Hymn to God the Father for Mixed Choir (SATB) and Organ. A Hymn to God the Father is an contemplative piece that uses poetry written by John Donne. One of the most beloved English poets of the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Donne's text is confessional and prayerful and is particularly well-suited for a liturgical musical setting. It was first performed by the choir at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral (Seattle, Washington, USA).

A Hymn to God the Father
John Donne (1572-1631)

WILT Thou forgive that sin where I begun,
   Which was my sin, though it were done 
Wilt Thou forgive that sin, through which I 
   And do run still, though still I do deplore?
      When Thou hast done, Thou hast not 
               For I have more.
Wilt Thou forgive that sin which I have won
   Others to sin, and made my sin their door?
Wilt Thou forgive that sin which I did shun
   A year or two, but wallowed in a score?
      When Thou hast done, Thou hast not 
               For I have more.

I have a sin of fear, that when I have spun
   My last thread, I shall perish on the shore 
But swear by Thyself, that at my death Thy 
   Shall shine as he shines now, and heretofore 
      And having done that, Thou hast done 
               I fear no more.

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