SKU: FC519

Q for Quarantined Flute Choir, is a response to shelter-in-place limitations amidst the 2020 pandemic and the difficulties of playing and recording as an ensemble. Each player records their part, eventually to be combined into a whole; coordination is achied through using time markers instead of measures or ensemble direction. However, Q can also be performed in a live concert setting, again using stopwatches (timers), or with a leader cueing when to move on to the next musical cell.

Because of the nature of this work, it is offered in two ways. As in the original performance, the "INSTANT PDF" option provides a digital copy of the part, such that it can be distributed amongst the players through e-mail. The "Printed book and PDF via Email" option will include shipment of the printed book, as well as a download link to the flute part in order to facilitate part distribution.