Hiketick - Balkan Dance No. 1, Igra Sretje (Clarinet Quartet) - CQ6256EM Metropolis Music Publishers from £17.00
Handel (arr. Craig) - Selections from Water Music (Clarinet Quartet) - CQ08 ALRY Publications from £20.00
Bach (arr. Craig) - Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring (Clarinet Quartet) - CQ06 ALRY Publications from £15.00
Traditional (arr. Craig) - Angels We Have Heard on High (Clarinet Quartet) - CQ05 ALRY Publications from £14.00
Beach (arr. Curtis) - Three Variations on Balkan Themes for Clarinet Quartet - CQ41 ALRY Publications from £18.00
Mozart (arr. Johnston) - Queen of the Night Aria for Clarinet Quartet - CQ37 ALRY Publications from £17.00